- Green energy
- Green transportation
- Environment friendly
- Intrinsic safety
Green energy
Promote the promotion and utilization of new energy such as wind power and photovoltaic power generation, accelerate the construction of clean energy infrastructure such as charging piles, and vigorously promote the use of shore power.
Zero carbon Wharf
Build a zero carbon wharf, and realize the green energy supply of the whole wharf based on the "integration of scenery and storage" system. Take the electrification of all equipment as the starting point to realize zero carbon emission in the production process. With advanced operation technology as a breakthrough, the energy consumption is greatly reduced.
Transformation and application of energy saving and low consumption of facilities and equipment
Promote the transformation and application of energy conservation and low consumption of facilities and equipment, realize 100% use of shore power for self owned ships, and the proportion of shore power use for berthing ships ranks in the forefront of coastal ports. Further optimize the energy consumption structure and improve the use of clean energy such as electric energy, wind energy, photovoltaic energy and hydrogen energy.
Green transportation
Transit Railway
Realize 100% railway transportation of coal coke, significantly reduce the exhaust emissions and dust pollution of transportation vehicles, complete the research on the key technologies of Tianjin port green and environmental protection intelligent dry bulk coal wharf, and innovate to realize the intelligent remote centralized control of bulk cargo wharf dumper, stacker, reclaimer, ship loader, belt conveyor, intelligent online monitoring of belt conveyor, and remote intelligent watering and dust suppression control.
Scattered modified set
Actively promote railway transportation, create a double demonstration project of "public to railway + scattered to centralized transportation", and vigorously develop container sea rail intermodal transportation. The expansion project of the special railway line for ores in southern Xinjiang was completed, and several sea railway combined transport trains from Changchun to Tianjin and from Tianjin to Urumqi were opened.
Environment friendly
Beautify the land environment
Strictly implement the requirements for dust control, achieve comprehensive time-domain ambient air quality monitoring, promote domestic waste classification, carry out greening projects and improve the quality of green landscape, and voluntarily plant more than 200 seedlings.
Optimize the marine environment
We will actively implement the task of comprehensive management of the Bohai Sea and promote the implementation of the Gulf governor system. 100% of the pollution sources directly discharged into the sea are up to the standard, the water quality of the coastal waters is not inferior to the class IV standard, and the marine organisms are diverse.
Intrinsic safety
Build a safe bottom line
Build a solid safety bottom line, carry out in-depth three-year action of special rectification of safety production, promote the construction of safety management system, compact the safety production responsibility system of personnel at all levels, continue to strengthen safety training and education, ensure the investment in safety production, solidly promote the troubleshooting and treatment of hidden dangers, and pragmatic safety basic engineering
Innovative management means
We will vigorously implement measures such as visualization, gridding, "ten strictness" and SOP working methods, establish and operate the "four inspections" mechanism and the "blue army" inspection mechanism, create a "intelligent video monitoring + UAV" full time coverage inspection system, and continue to consolidate the stable development trend of port security.