Service Commitment
For a long time, Tianjin Port Group has actively responded to the call of the state, responded quickly, took many measures at the same time, constantly tapped the overall resource capacity, through facility transformation, capacity expansion and efficiency, increased efforts to promote port dredging, strengthened coordination and linkage with port units, and constantly improved the storage capacity of the wharf yard and the overall throughput capacity of the port. We are sincere, open to gold and stone, and work hand in hand with our customers for common development.
Guided by the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's inspection of Tianjin port, Tianjin Port Group has spared no effort to speed up the construction of world-class ports, taking the lead in blowing the "efficiency year" campaign, benchmarking world-class ports, aiming at international leadership, promoting the improvement of production efficiency, service efficiency and management efficiency, focusing on service efficiency outside and management efficiency inside, and focusing on the core index system of shipping efficiency and land transportation efficiency, Comprehensively improve the level of production efficiency.
In order to integrate in-depth services into major national strategies such as the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road", the construction of xiong'an new area, and create a first-class business environment at home and abroad, Tianjin Port Group launched sunshine efficiency, sunshine price and sunshine services.
External window service
As one of the external service windows of Tianjin port, the customer service center provides convenient and fast port business consulting, cargo information inquiry, customer complaints and rapid disposal services for customers inside and outside Tianjin port, fully coordinates various production resources of the group, timely meets customers' personalized needs, solves customers' problems and difficulties in port operations, and answers customers' calls online 24 hours a day (400022000).
Types of services provided by the customer service center to customers:
(1) Provide information inquiry and business consulting services
(2) Provide telephone call services such as transfer, outbound call and message recording
(3) Accept customer business assistance, coordinate internal resources of the group and supervise the implementation
(4) Accept customer complaints, track and evaluate them
(5) Carry out customer follow-up visits to customer complaints and the implementation of customer business assistance;
Commitment of Account Manager
I will adhere to the customer service concept of "quality first, customer-oriented, win-win cooperation" of Tianjin port, and spare no effort to provide efficient and convenient logistics services for your goods, so that you can worry, rest assured, comfortable, and ensure your satisfaction.
  • Four-Thousand Action
  • Marine high-speed
  • Production of Division II
  • Smart Conference
  • CCTV News
  • Smart Port
  • Green Port