• 24
    Over 300 million tons! The cargo throughput of Tianjin Port Group reached the best level in history
    With the completion of loading and unloading of 33,000 tons of ore by arkel, the cargo throughput of Tianjin Port Group will exceed 300 million tons in 2021. At the same time, the container throughput reached 13.48 million TEUS, the highest level in history……
  • 04
    The first case in China! Tianjin Port has obtained the authoritative certification of "intelligent vessel" in the tug industry
    Two tugboats of Tianjin Port Group, "Tianjin Port Ship 31" and "Tianjin Port Ship 32", were recently awarded the Ship classification certificate of China Classification Society with additional marks of "intelligent ship" and "Ship network security"……
  • 02
    Tianjin Port set a new world record for the efficiency of berthing ships on the Mediterranean and West African routes
    After 43.5 hours, "Mediterranean Christina" successfully completed the import and export operation of 15,610 teUs, and tianjin Port set a global record for berthing efficiency on the Mediterranean and West African routes with a production rate of 240 teUs per hour……
  • 24
    Tianjin Port Group "Qingma Project" first training class started
    Tianjin Port Group is the first batch of municipal state-owned enterprises to implement the "Qingma Project", and also the first enterprise to write the "Qingma Project" into the "14th Five-Year Plan" and promote the implementation as a talent strategy system……
  • Four-Thousand Action
  • Marine high-speed
  • Production of Division II
  • Smart Conference
  • CCTV News
  • Smart Port
  • Green Port