Notice on the public employment of asset appraisal experts by Tianjin Port (Group) Co., Ltd
Tianjin Port (Group) Co., Ltd. is a large wholly state-owned enterprise. Its main businesses include port handling, international logistics, port real estate, engineering construction and related services. The total assets of the company exceed 140 billion yuan. It has two listed companies on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the Shanghai Stock Exchange. At present, Tianjin Port Group is striving to build a world-class green and smart hub port and accelerating its march towards a world-class port operation group.
In order to further strengthen the management of state-owned assets evaluation of Tianjin Port Group Company, standardize the behavior of asset evaluation, continuously improve the management level of asset evaluation, and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of state-owned investors, Tianjin Port Group Company is now publicly recruiting external audit experts for asset evaluation and establishing an external expert database for asset evaluation.
1、 Selected positions and registration conditions
(1) Selected positions
Tianjin Port (Group) Co., Ltd. has no more than 15 external audit experts for asset appraisal.
(2) Selection scope and registration conditions
1. Scope of employment
Open recruitment for the public.
2. Registration conditions
Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the socialist direction of state-owned enterprises, have high political literacy and policy level, and have good professional ethics, professional credit and personal conduct; Be familiar with asset appraisal, have rich knowledge and experience in asset appraisal or related professional and technical fields, have high professional ability and level, be able to seriously maintain the objectivity and impartiality of asset appraisal, adhere to principles, seek truth from facts, and be honest and clean; Have the working experience and professional quality matching the position; Have good psychological quality and physical conditions for normal performance of duties. And also have the following qualifications:
(1) Have obtained the qualification of asset appraiser for more than 10 years;
(2) Have expertise in at least one sub professional field, specifically: equity evaluation and review experts should have intermediate or above professional titles or the same professional level; Experts in real estate, buildings and structures have the qualification of real estate appraiser, land appraiser or civil engineering engineer or above; Mechanical equipment experts have professional titles of mechanical equipment engineer or above.
(3) He has worked as a project manager (or equivalent) in an asset appraisal institution for more than 5 years, and has signed more than 10 appraisal reports as an asset appraiser in the past 5 years.
(4) Have a good record of professional ethics, and have not been disciplined by industry self-discipline or administrative punishment in the process of practicing.
(5) In good health, the age is generally not more than 60 years old, and the age calculation time is up to April 30, 2021.
(6) For those who have served as asset appraisal and review experts of state-owned assets supervision and administration institutions at or above the provincial level, the conditions may be appropriately relaxed.
3、 Registration procedures and relevant instructions
(1) Registration procedure
1. Registration time: from May 11 to May 17, a period of 7 natural days.
2. Registration method: only email registration is accepted. Please log in to the website of Tianjin Port (Group) Co., Ltd. (, click the "recruitment announcement" column on the page, query the recruitment announcement, and download the registration form.
3. Registration email and contact information
Contact person and contact information: Chen Yang,022-25705512/18622406695
(2) Relevant instructions
1. Applicants should be responsible for the authenticity and integrity of the application materials submitted. If they are found to be inconsistent with the facts, the company has the right to cancel the application qualification.
2. We will keep the application information and submitted application materials strictly confidential and will not use them for other purposes and will not return them.
Attachment: application form
Tianjin Port (Group) Co., Ltd
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